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Supersize Servings: Good for Your Wallet, Hazardous to Your Health?
- The Boston Globe
Demand for Care Will Rise as Health Law Boosts Insured
- Merced Sun-Star
KCBS In Depth: Push For States To Opt In On Affordable Care Act
- KPIX-TV CBS Ch 5, SF Bay Area
A Calorie, Is a Calorie, Is a Calorie -- Or Is It?
- The Huffington Post
Plea to End Transplant Ban Between HIV Patients
- San Francisco Chronicle
Mysterious Phenomenon of Orgasm Headaches
- Discovery News
I Took a Web Detour, and Now I Feel Better
- The New York Times
Mother of All Hormones?
- The Huffington Post
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, More -- Due to Infectious Proteins?
- Los Angeles Times - Booster Shots
California and the Affordable Care Act