UCSF events for June 2005

University of California San Francisco
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UCSF's popular Mini Medical School continues June 1 through June 29 with new lectures focusing on the theme "Brainstorms to Breakthroughs: Frontiers of Medicine."
San Francisco has won its bid to become home to the state stem cell institute headquarters – a brand new office space about a 15-minute walk from the growing life sciences campus at UCSF Mission Bay.
Friends and family gathered at UCSF to honor 13 people for going above and beyond the call of duty at a Founder's Day ceremony on April 29.
Faculty, staff and students are invited to learn more about University-sponsored programs, which can help them plan for their future economic security, on Finance Day on Tuesday, May 10.
When Josh and Laurie Anderson discovered last year that she was pregnant with twins, their reaction was typical.
Two infant boys whose bodies were overloaded with excess fluid have led UCSF pediatricians to the discovery of a new genetic disease.
Four UCSF professors are among 12 University of California scholars elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the organization has announced.
A natural, non-toxic byproduct of glucose may prevent brain cell death and cognitive impairment in diabetics following an episode of severely low blood sugar, according to researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center.
UCSF Fresno Medical Education Program, which commemorates its 30th anniversary this year, recently celebrated the grand opening of its new Center for Medical Education and Research with a series of activities.
The Department of Nutrition and Food Services at UCSF Medical Center has recently been awarded two "star" awards from both national and local organizations.
Arnold Kriegstein, director of UCSF's Developmental and Stem Cell Biology program, endorses the recently proposed ethical guidelines for stem cell research.
UCSF's Earth Day fair brought out a record-number of environmental enthusiasts on April 13 -- all united around the goal of raising support and awareness for policies and practices to protect the planet.
With a campus community center and housing complex set to open this fall and more research buildings on the way, UCSF Mission Bay is becoming a bountiful source of jobs for the community.
The UCSF School of Dentistry recently completed its accreditation by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CDA), receiving many commendations and not a single recommendation.
A natural, non-toxic byproduct of glucose may prevent brain cell death and cognitive impairment in diabetics following an episode of severely low blood sugar, according to researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center (SFVAMC).
Former UCSF physician-scientist Lewis T. "Rusty" Williams, founder and executive chairman of FivePrime Therapeutics Inc., says it wasn't money that motivated him to leave academia it was his eagerness to "move discoveries in the lab to patients for their benefit" faster.
A six-year study of a special type of brain aneurysm -- the thrombotic aneurysm -- has led to a treatment "roadmap" that should mean better outcomes for patients with this unusual medical problem.
Nobel laureate Harold Varmus, president and chief executive officer at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, will visit UCSF today.
The UCSF Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) continues its second year this spring with classes that explore health problems commonly experienced by older adults.
The campus community is invited to hear national health expert, Dean Ornish, MD, clinical professor of medicine at UCSF, who will discuss how his pioneering scientific research has reversed and prevented chronic illnesses and how lifestyle changes can improve health and quality of life.
Rights and responsibilities are at the heart of the conscience clause debate, which in recent months has crystallized around two questions.
The campus community is invited to a ceremony honoring two of UCSF's top teachers, Tracy B. Fulton, PhD, and Martin S. Bogetz, MD, who will be presented the 2004-2005 UCSF Distinction in Teaching Awards on Thursday, April 28.
Professor Jonathan A. Showstack has been appointed Academic Information Technology Coordinator in the UCSF Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor.
UCSF will join a public/private partnership that will train disadvantaged students at City College of San Francisco for jobs in stem cell research.
Lewis T. "Rusty" Williams, founder and executive chairman of FivePrime Therapeutics Inc., will be the keynote speaker at tonight's (April 19) Scientist to CEO event at UCSF Mission Bay.
A dramatic reading of letters between critically ill adults and healthy teenagers will be performed on Wednesday, June 1, in San Rafael.
The campus community is invited to hear Mark Smith, CEO and president of the California HealthCare Foundation, who will address "Advocacy for Access and Cost Control in Health Care: We Have Met the Enemy and It Is Us" next week.
So-called "conscience clauses" -- which allow pharmacists to refuse to dispense drugs for moral or religious reasons -- have now become the latest flashpoint between "right-to-life" advocates and those with a broader view of a pharmacist's responsibilities.
Attention all employees of the UCSF workforce who use, create, transmit, store or confidential, electronic patient information: the Security Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) goes into effect on Wednesday, April 20.