AIDS 2020: UCSF Experts to Speak, Present at International Conference
Dozens of UC San Francisco infectious disease experts will present at the bi-annual International AIDS Conference, known this year as AIDS 2020, being hosted virtually in San Francisco and Oakland, July 6-10, 2020, with a pre-conference July 1-3.

UCSF’s Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, UCSF professor of medicine in the Division of HIV, Infectious Disease, and Global Medicine, and Medical Director of Ward 86 at UCSF partner hospital Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (ZSFG), is the scientific co-chair. Her co-chair for the meeting is Cynthia Carey-Grant, an advocate for women, communities of color and justice in Oakland.
Originally planned to be held in San Francisco and Oakland, the conference is being run entirely online event due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. On July 10 and 11, there also will be a special COVID-19 program.
AIDS 2020 will feature many of the biggest names nationally, including National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Anthony Fauci, MD, and White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Ambassador Deborah Birx.
All online demand content will be available July 4 for those registered for the conference, with the exception of research being presented at an official press conference, live Global Village, and supplementary Q&A sessions. All conference content led by Bay Area scientists and HIV leaders, including those live sessions, can be found here, in addition to posters presented by UCSF investigators.
Highlights of UCSF Presentations
Live Events
Wednesday, July 8
Hands Across the Bay: Collaborations in HIV Science
Noon | Marguerita Lightfoot, Paul Volberding, Hyman Scott
(Live component of a prerecorded session)
Thursday, July 9
Plenary: Biomedical HIV Prevention: Beyond Daily Oral PrEP
5 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Susan Buchbinder
Friday, July 10
Plenary: Food insecurity and COVID-19: Amplifying threats to health
1 p.m. – 2 p.m. | Sheri Weiser
On-Demand Event (Available July 4)
Bridging Session: What successful communities can teach all of us about making dramatic progress against HIV epidemics and what this means in the age of COVID: Elements of Success in San Francisco
Diane Havlir
Press Conferences
Tuesday, July 7
Opening press conference: AIDS 2020 HIV Science Highlights
6 a.m. - 7:05 a.m. | Led by Monica Gandhi; Catherine Koss – “Lower than expected HIV incidence among men and women at elevated HIV risk in a population-based PrEP study in rural Kenya and Uganda: Interim results from the SEARCH study
Thursday, July 9
Official Press Conference
9 a.m. | Carina Marquez, with Anthony Fauci and others
High prevalence of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection found in a Latinx population in San Francisco in a mass testing campaign
Here is the line-up of UCSF investigator oral abstract and abstract presentations, bridging sessions, satellite sessions, and plenary talks.
The 6th Workshop on Children and Adolescents HIV-Exposed and Uninfected
Theodore Ruel
Transgender in Latin America 2020 - Session 1
Salud Anal
Pathways to an HIV Cure: Tools for Community and Clinicians | Opening & Advancing the HIV Cure Field, and Debunking Myths and Misconceptions
Steven Deeks, Lillian Cohn
Target Product Profiles for an HIV Cure and Closing Session
Steven Deeks
Community and Academic Partnerships to Advance Evidence-Based Policymaking: Lessons Learned from the California HIV/AIDS Policy Research Centers
Wayne T. Steward, Emily A. Arnold
PrEP for Transgender Communities: Lessons from 3 demonstration projects in California
Albert Liu, Jayne Gagliano, Sophia Zamudio-Haas, Arianna Salinas, Luz Venegas, Luis Gutierrez-Mock
Hands Across the Bay: Collaborations in HIV Science
Marguerita Lightfoot, Paul Volberding, Hyman Scott
HIV, COVID-19 and Housing Instability in High-Income Cities
Elise D. Riley, Asa Clemenzi-Allen
Launch of a JIAS Supplement: Integrating services for HIV and related comorbidities: modelling to inform policy and practice
David Boettiger
Psychometric Properties of Measures of Substance Use: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Reliability, Validity and Diagnostic Test Accuracy
Glenn-Milo Santos
Men & HIV: Insights from sub-Saharan Africa
Sue Napierala
End Hep C SF: Collective impact efforts to eliminate HIV and Hepatitis C in my community
Annie Luetkemeyer
Celebrating the resilience and wisdom of Long-Term Survivors (LTS) and elders with HIV: A community-building networking zone for LTS, elders and allies
Meredith Greene
Hard Bop Collective with Peter Hunt
Peter Hunt
Ward 86: The HIV/AIDS Clinic at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital
Mary-Lawrence Hicks, Jon Oskarsson, Helen Lin, Elizabeth Lynch, Joseph Watabe, John Szumowski, Monica Gandhi
Community and Academic Partnerships to Advance Evidence-Based Policymaking: Lessons Learned from the California HIV Policy Research Centers
Wayne Steward, Kimberly A. Koester
Apply reproductive justice & trauma-informed care principles to HIV prevention
Lealah Pollack
Investing in the next generation of diverse HIV prevention researchers: A call for impactful mentored research experiences
Jonathan Fuchs, John Sauceda, Phillip Coffin
Opening Session 2
Monica Gandhi
Vulva puppets, home mapping and teapots: how to enhance biomedical research and understand the context of HIV prevention through innovative and interactive qualitative methods
Ariane van der Straten, Elizabeth Montgomery
Promoting Reductions in Intersectional StigMa (PRISM): A Critical Lens to Advance HIV Prevention and Care Research
Sheri Lippman, Jae Sevelius
Kill or be killed: HIV vs. host immune responses
Ashley George, Gladstone
PrEP for Transgender Communities: Lessons from 3 demonstration projects in California
Erin C. Wilson, Christina Sanz Rodriguez, Robert Grant, Madeline Deutsch, Jae Sevelius, Luis Gutierrez-Mock, Arianna Salinas, Luz Venegas
Emerging success stories in PrEP in MSM and TGW in Asia
Glenn-Milo Santos
Mortality and tuberculosis: What are we doing to prevent them?
Diane Havlir
Untangling the web of sexual reproductive health and sex differences in prevention
Joelle Brown
From within: Effective strategies for community mobilization and demand creation
Emily Arnold
Gaps in our response: Who are we missing?
Albert Liu
Can we achieve UTT? What can UTT achieve?
James Peng
Pleasure, prevention, or fear: Far reaching effects of online messaging and mHealth interventions
Hyman Scott
PrEP at Scale
Catherine Koss
Breaking the silence of stigma: Innovative approaches
Andres Maiorana, Erin C. Wilson
I Test, You Test, We All Test: Multiple Roads to the First 90
Sheri Lippman
Where did our voices go? HIV advocacy in a noisy landscape
Monica McLemore
Controlling HIV: lessons from controllers
Michael Peluso
Track D late-breaker abstracts
Sarah Roberts, RTI
Annie Luetkemeyer
PrEP for Transgender Communities: Lessons from 3 demonstration projects in California
Erin C. Wilson, Christina Sanz Rodriguez
Differentiated service delivery: One size does not fit all
Carol Dawson-Rose
HIV & Society: Community and structural approaches for HIV prevention, treatment and care
Tammy Nicastro
It’s complicated: Co-infections and co-morbidities
Joel Palefsky
Synced up: STIs and HIV
Stephanie Cohen
One Year after ECHO: Integration in the Time of COVID
Nyaradzo Mgodi, UZ-UCSF
How data is leading innovation: Evidence informed programmes
Wanjiru Waruiru
ARV, cure and testing strategies
Steven Deeks
Integrated healthcare for co-infections and conditions
Diane Havlir
Men and HIV: Insights from sub-Saharan Africa
Sue Napierala, RTI
HPTN Scholars Program: The Next Generation of Emerging Leaders of Color in the HIV Prevention Landscape
Glenn-Milo Santos
The whole person: Addressing all aspects of health of people living with HIV
Marguerita Lightfoot
Live Session: Hands Across the Bay: Collaborations in HIV Science
Marguerita Lightfoot, Hyman Scott, Paul Volberding
COVID Track D: Public health responses including physical distancing and community level efforts, programmes, policies, lifting restrictions, modeling
Elizabeth Imbert
The defense shall not rest: Rights, rhetoric and reality
Neil Sircar
Across the cascade: Research methods in implementation science
Aaloke Mody, Madellena Conte
COVID Track C: Epidemiology, transmission dynamics, prevention, vaccines
Gabriel Chamie
Older and wiser: Ageing with HIV
Meredith Greene
Panoramic view of drug use and HIV
Danielle Veloso
It’s raining men: How to effectively engage men into care
Andrew Kerkhoff
Innovation in initiation, treatment and care: Differentiated Service Delivery
Elizabeth Imbert
Men and HIV: Insights from sub-Saharan Africa
Sue Napierala, RTI
Community and Academic Partnerships to Advance Evidence-Based Policymaking: Lessons Learned from the California HIV Policy Research Centers
Wayne Steward, Kimberly Koester
Implementing people-centered PrEP
Albert Liu
What’s Hot in HIV Treatment: Expert Discussion
Monica Gandhi
Why HIV and Mental Health Care Need to Work Together in Sub-Saharan Africa: Collaborative Scale-Up to Address Evolving Epidemics
Susan Meffert, Eric Goosby
Live Session: HIV, COVID-19 and Housing Instability in High-Income Cities
Elise Riley, Elizabeth Imbert, Matthew Hickey, Darpun Sachdev
Adolescents and young people
Theodore Ruel
Identity, expression and orientation: Gender-transformative approaches within the HIV response
Glenda Baguso
Prime Session 3: Prevention
Susan Buchbinder
New Formulations for HIV Rx and Preventions
Nyaradzo Mgodi, Christine Dehlendorf, Dominika Seidman
How did they do it? What successful communities can teach all of us about making dramatic progress against HIV epidemics and what this means in the age of COVID
Diane Havlir
Impact of COVID-19 in the health sector
Sheri Weiser