2013 NIH Funding to UCSF - By the Numbers

Browse the interactive charts and graphs below to see breakdowns of National Institutes of Health funding to UC San Francisco and how the University stacked up to other institutions.

Source data came from the NIH and analysis by the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research.

Note: Many of the charts use Google Docs script. If you have trouble viewing them, please try using the Chrome browser.


Top 5 Recipients of NIH Research Grants, 2013

The following chart shows the rankings for all NIH grant recipients, including both private and public institutions.

Chart showing top 5 recipients of NIH grants in 2013


INFOGRAPHIC: A Look at NIH Funding to UCSF

Click on the image to see the full infographic, or download a PDF version here.


Steady Growth Over the Past Decade

The following graphs show NIH funding trends from 1992 to 2013. While total NIH funding has leveled off in recent years due to federal budget cuts, UCSF has grown increasingly competitive for precious research dollars. Not only is the University as a whole vying well for federal grants and contracts, the number of awarded projects also is steadily increasing.

Graph showing NIH total funding, 1992-2012

Graph showing UCSF funding and number of awards from NIH, 1992-2013

Diving Deeper

The following charts and graphs take a closer look at how NIH funding was distributed by research area, funding mechanism and schools. In the first interactive chart, click on the headers to re-sort by NIH institute and number of awards.


Chart showing Schools of Medicine rankings for NIH funds in 2013 Chart showing Schools of Pharmacy rankings for NIH funds in 2013 Chart showing Schools of Dentistry rankings for NIH funds in 2013 Chart showing Schools of Nursing rankings for NIH funds in 2013

