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Mother's friendships may be good for babies' brains
By 2025, a lot more people will be tracking their blood sugar, predicts doctor — here's why
- New York Times, CNBC
E-Cigarettes Are Effective at Helping Smokers Quit, a Study Says
- The New York Times
Study Offers Hint of Hope for Staving Off Dementia in Some People
- The New York Times
Over-The-Counter Meds Show Promise As Cancer Drug
Common Painkillers Such As Aspirin And Ibuprofen Can Improve Survival Rate Of Patients With Head And Neck Cancer
- Tech Times
Beware "Pseudomedicine" Claims Made To Sell Brain-Health Supplements, Warn Neurologists
Cigarette filters are the No.1 plastic pollutant ... and don't prevent cancer
Gum disease–causing bacteria could spur Alzheimer’s
Alcohol destroyed their livers. Now, they're increasingly getting new ones