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Which Birth Control Now?
- A Child Grows in Brooklyn blog
New Study Implicates Environmental Factors in Autism
- The New York Times
Many SF School Cafeterias Parched as Tap Water Deadline Looms
- San Francisco Examiner
UCSF Scientists Working to 'Program' E-Coli
- KGO-TV ABC Ch 7 Bay Area
3 S.F. Hospitals, Kaiser Lauded for LGBT Care
- San Francisco Chronicle
Cured Meats Not Linked to Pancreatic Cancer
- Yahoo News!
Mixed Report on Women's Health Research
- Health OMG! blog
Gay rights group: Bay Area Hospitals Lead the Way in LGBT "Equality" Standings
- San Francisco Business Times
The 2011 Hot 20 Under (And Over) 40 Readers'
- 7x7 Magazine
Researchers Look at Abortion 'Stigma'
- United Press International (UPI)