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Can a dermatologist diagnose with a smartphone selfie?
- FOX News
Head, Neck Injury May Triple Younger People's Risk for Stroke
- US News and World Report
UCSF Nabs $517 Million in NIH Funding
- San Francisco Business Times (blog)
MedImmune Deal Exposes Early-Stage UCSF Drugs
- San Francisco Business Times (blog)
UCSF Tests Cold Caps to Reduce Hair Loss During Chemotherapy
- San Francisco Chronicle
CVS tobacco ban just the start. Next: soda
- The Boston Globe
Disruptions: For a Restful Night, Make Your Smartphone Sleep on the Couch
- The New York Times
CVS' Halt on Tobacco Wins Praise
- Sacramento Bee via Los Angeles Times
The Path to Reading a Newborn’s DNA Map
- The New York Times
In search of a cure, scientists look for where HIV hides
- PBS NewsHour