University of California San Francisco
Give to UCSFSurgery is often recommended for skin cancers, but older, sicker patients can endure complications as a result and may not live long enough to benefit from the treatment.
Smoking tobacco through a hookah is gaining popularity among the college crowd, but UCSF researchers have found that hookah smoke contains a different – but still harmful – mix of toxins than cigarettes.
A Phase 2 clinical trial testing a new protocol for treating a relatively rare form of brain cancer, primary CNS lymphoma, may change the standard of care for this disease, according to UCSF doctors who led the research.
Five distinguished UCSF scientists, including three Nobel laureates, are being inducted into the prestigious inaugural class of fellows of the American Association for Cancer Research Academy.
Stem cells of the aging bone marrow recycle their own molecules to survive and keep replenishing the blood and immune systems as the body ages, UCSF researchers have discovered.