University of California San Francisco
Give to UCSFAn algorithm developed by scientists at UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley did better than two out of four expert radiologists at finding tiny brain hemorrhages in head scans—an advance that one day may help doctors treat patients with TBI, strokes and aneurysms.
Research team has detected the immunological remnants of a common seasonal virus in spinal fluid from dozens of patients diagnosed with acute flaccid myelitis (AFM). The findings provide the clearest evidence to date that AFM is caused by an enterovirus (EV) that invades and impairs the central nervous system.
The National Institutes of Health has awarded a five-year, multi-investigator research grant expected to total more than $63 million to Mayo Clinic and UC San Francisco, to advance treatments for frontotemporal lobar degeneration.
Scientists used maps of brain connections to predict how brain atrophy would spread in individual patients with frontotemporal dementia, adding to growing evidence that the loss of brain cells associated with dementia spreads via the synaptic connections between established brain networks.
Distinct patterns of electrical activity in the sleeping brain may influence whether we remember or forget what we learned the previous day.
International team of researchers report progress in using stem cells to develop new therapies for Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, a rare genetic condition affecting boys that can be fatal before 10 years of age.
Blood test that is currently under development may flag concussion in CT-negative patients, enabling them to be evaluated for long-term complications.
UCSF scientists show that Alzheimer’s disease directly attacks brain regions responsible for wakefulness during the day.
UCSF scientists have for the first time decoded spoken words and phrases in real time from the brain signals that control speech.
Since 2017, UCSF researchers Winston Chiong and Eddie Chang have led a collaborative neuroethics research project funded by the NIH.
Brain damage associated with MS specifically targets a common class of brain cells called projection neurons
Using advanced technology, scientists have discovered an autoimmune disease that appears to affect men with testicular cancer.
Today, our understanding of glioma subtypes has expanded to include the molecular and genetic variants that can influence a tumor’s development, prognosis, and response to treatment.
A new study suggests that the human brain may maintain reserves of immature neurons throughout life, using these “Peter Pan” cells in a similar manner to the neurogenesis seen in other species
Unlike other gene mutations linked to autism, which are thought to alter brain development before birth, the newly identified changes in brain signaling may occur closer to the onset of autism symptoms in the first years of life.
The intervention, an app called MediTrain, uses a closed-loop algorithm that tailors the length of meditation sessions to the abilities of the participants.
Changes in gene activity in specific brain cells are associated with the severity of autism in children and young adults with the disorder.
Researchers have found a way to teach a computer to precisely detect one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease in human brain tissue.
Two proteins central to the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease act as prions – spreading through tissue like an infection by forcing normal proteins to adopt the same misfolded shape.
The technology could one day restore the voices of people who have lost the ability to speak due to paralysis and other forms of neurological damage.
Amyloid positive PET scan. A first-of-its-kind national study has found that a form of brain imaging that detects Alzheimer’s-related “plaques” significantly influenced clinical management of