University of California San Francisco

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UCSF's Brindis Discusses Efficacy of Abstinence Education Programs

Federal funding for abstinence education is on the rise: a proposed $191 million dollars for 2008, up $28 million from 2007. But recent studies are raising questions, finding no difference in sexual activity between kids with abstinence education and those without. <i>On Point</i>, produced by WBUR-FM, Boston, examines the effectiveness of sex education for children and adolescents in the current climate of increased federal funding for abstinence education programs.

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UCSF honored as a national leader in palliative care

The UCSF Palliative Care Program has been named by the American Hospital Association as one of the top three programs nationwide for its innovative efforts to provide end-of-life care. The program receives the AHA annual Circle of Life Award in a San Diego ceremony on July 23.

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UCSF offers drop-in vaccines for school kids

UCSF is offering a drop-in immunization clinic in the Mission District to give children the vaccines they need to start school. Parents are encouraged to bring their children if they have not yet received their shots.

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Poor sleep associated with cognitive decline in elderly women

Women who experienced cognitive decline over a 13 to 15 year period after age 65 were more likely to sleep poorly than women whose cognition did not decline, according to a study led by researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center (SFVAMC).

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