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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Nationwide Alzheimer's Study Completes Genomic Analysis Phase

Researchers with the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, a five-year, nationwide, longitudinal study of possible markers of Alzheimer’s disease, announced that a genomic analysis of the 800 participants in the study is more than 95 percent complete, and that the data will be shared with scientists around the world for further analysis.

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Overweight women at increased risk of advanced breast cancer

A nationwide study of over 280,000 women showed that postmenopausal women who are overweight or obese have advanced breast cancer at significantly higher rates than women of normal weight or less than normal weight.

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Virtual colonoscopy as good as other colon cancer screening methods, study says

CT colonography (CTC), known as virtual colonoscopy, is as accurate at screening for colorectal cancers and pre-cancerous polyps as conventional colonoscopy, the current screening standard, according to the National CT Colonography Trial, a nationwide multi-center study that included the San Francisco VA Medical Center.

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Obesity to Blame for Climate Change?

With the obesity epidemic now firmly established as the health crisis du jour, I don’t want to be accused of piling on. But I could not let pass this BBC News health story posted in mid-May, which seems to transform an interesting point into mean-spiritedness, not to mention point the finger in the wrong direction.

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Sleep apnea linked to cognitive impairment in older women

Older women with sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) –– the restriction or interruption of breathing during sleep –– are more likely to show cognitive impairment than women without SDB, according to a study led by researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and UC San Francisco.

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Leukemia Survival and Pharmacogenetics

There's a new way to personalize drug therapy. It's pharmacogenetics - using information on genetic differences to tailor treatment.

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