University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
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Low-Nicotine Cigarettes Fail to Sway Smokers

Smokers who successfully lowered their nicotine intake when they were switched to low-nicotine cigarettes were unable to curb their smoking habits in the long term, according to a study by UCSF and San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center.

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Study Finds Donor Funds Fall Short for Key Global Health Functions

A new analysis estimates that $22 billion was spent on global health aid in 2013, yet only a fifth of this went toward such global imperatives as research on diseases that disproportionally affect the poor, outbreak preparedness and global health leadership.

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Distance Doesn't Make the Heart Grow Stronger for 50 Million Americans

Despite a modest upswing in the number of hospitals equipped to perform angioplasty, a life-saving procedure for heart disease that should be carried out promptly, nearly 50 million residents of the continental United States face travel times of more than one hour to reach them, according to a new study.

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Three Simple Rules Govern Complex Brain Circuit in Fly

Think the nest of cables under your desk is bad? Try keeping the trillions of connections crisscrossing your brain organized and free of tangles. A new UCSF study reveals this seemingly intractable job may be simpler than it appears.