University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
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Sensory Illusion Causes Cells to Self-Destruct

UCSF researchers has discovered that single-celled yeast have sensory biases that can be hacked by a carefully engineered illusion, a finding that could be used to develop new approaches to fighting diseases such as cancer.

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Working Up A Sweat May Protect Men From Lethal Prostate Cancer

A study that tracked tens of thousands of midlife and older men for more than 20 years has found that vigorous exercise and other healthy lifestyle habits may cut their chances of developing a lethal type of prostate cancer by up to 68 percent.

Human Gene Prevents Regeneration in Zebrafish

UCSF researchers have found a human gene that could one day allow physicians to correct congenital deformities, regrow damaged fingers, or even mend a broken heart.

One Neuroscientist’s Quest to Create Healthier Brains

The trajectory of Bruce Miller’s work is emblematic of the integration seen within the entire neurosciences field over the last decade, as its broad range of disciplines attract unprecedented levels of investment.