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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Economics Colloquium Tackles Societal Returns on Health Care Investments

What is the best way to measure returns on investments in health care? What are the economic implications of the global rise in non-communicable diseases? These are just a few of the global challenges taken up by health economics experts at the third annual Global Health Economics Consortium Colloquium at UCSF.

‘Unhealthy’ Microbiomes Could Promote Metabolic Disease

Leading microbiome researchers recently came to UCSF to share the newest insights about how improving our relationship with our bodies’ microbial ecosystems could be the next big breakthrough in treating metabolic disease.

Gene Signature Could Lead To A New Way Of Diagnosing Lyme

Researchers at UCSF and Johns Hopkins may have found a new way to diagnose Lyme disease, based on a distinctive gene “signature” they discovered in white blood cells of patients infected with the tick-borne bacteria.

Discovery May Lead To Better Egg Screening And IVF Outcomes

Experts in IVF from UCSF have discovered a pattern of protein secretion during egg maturation that they say has the possibility of leading to a new, non-invasive test to evaluate the fitness of eggs before they are fertilized in the clinic.

Tricked-Out Immune Cells Could Attack Cancer, Spare Healthy Cells

UCSF scientists have created a new class of highly customizable biological sensors that can be used to form “logic gates” inside cells of the immune system, giving these cells the capability to home in on and kill a wide range of cancer cells while preventing them from attacking normal tissue.

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