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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

UCSF Immunologist to Head New Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy

Renowned UCSF immunologist Jeffrey Bluestone, PhD, has been named president and CEO of the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, a national initiative launched with a $250 million grant from The Parker Foundation, established by Silicon Valley entrepreneur Sean Parker.

Scientists Find Molecular Link Between Zika and Microcephaly

Strengthening the link between Zika virus and microcephaly, scientists at UCSF have discovered that a protein the virus uses to infect skin cells and cause a rash is present also in stem cells of the developing human brain and retina.

Researchers Learn How the Bat Got its Wings

An international team of scientists have for the first time identified genes and gene regulatory elements that are essential in wing development in the Natal long-fingered bat (Miniopterus natalensis), a species widely distributed in eastern and southern Africa.

PTSD in Veterans Tied to Worse Heart Health

A UCSF study found that veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were more likely to have worse endothelial vascular function, which plays a key role in blood vessel dilation, blood pressure, clotting and inflammation.

Study Suggests ‘Emotional Health’ Implicated in Dementia

Serious and escalating depression in the elderly may almost double the likelihood of dementia, according to a study led by UC San Francisco, and could be an independent risk factor for cognitive decline, rather than just an early symptom of it.

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Mindful Eating, Meditation May Lead to Better Metabolic Health

A diet and exercise program that included mindfulness training resulted in participants having lower metabolic risk factors compared to those who underwent the same program without the training, according to a study led by researchers at UC San Francisco.

Black Patients More Likely to Suffer With ER Ambulance Diversion

African American patients suffering heart conditions are more likely than white patients to have their ambulance diverted to another hospital due to overcrowding in their nearest emergency room, according to a new UC San Francisco study.

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UCSF Research Suggests New Model for Cancer Metastasis

Scientists at UC San Francisco have been able to directly observe, for the first time, how invasive cancer cells create a beachhead as they migrate to the lung in a mouse model of metastatic cancer.

Patients at Highest Stroke Risk Not Prescribed Blood Thinners

Nearly half of all atrial fibrillation patients at the highest risk for stroke are not being prescribed blood thinners by their cardiologists, according to a new study by researchers at the UC San Diego and UC San Francisco schools of medicine.

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