University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
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Infiltrating Healthcare: How Marketing Works Underground to Influence Nurses

UCSF School of Nursing alum Quinn Grundy, PhD ’15, RN, shines a light on how sales reps from pharmaceutical and other health care companies skirt scrutiny, and get their products used in hospitals and doctors’ offices, by forging relationships with nurses.

The Case of the Recurring Fever

An elderly man had symptoms no one could explain – until Amy Berger, MD, PhD, and her team investigated.

Comic-style illustration of a female doctor in the foreground, and three scientists in the background examining specimens with a microscope, test tube, and magnifying glass.

Capturing a Pandemic Moment

Bay Area photographer Barbara Ries shares her thoughts on one of her award-winning images of the Navajo Nation.

doctor talks with man in a hotel doorway

How Can We Thwart the Next Pandemic?

Leading scientists share some of the tools and strategies that could help us better confront and contain future outbreaks.

Illustration of three large humans standing on the Earth, pushing back coronaviruses.

Why Can’t I Sleep?

Insomnia is miserable, and lost sleep can harm our health. Now, researchers are seeing the promise of solutions in our genes.

Photo of a man and woman in bed; the woman is fast asleep and the man eats popcorn, wide awake.

To Prevent Delirium, Increase Mobility, Connection and Sleep

UCSF researchers wanted to see if simple tweaks, like avoiding nighttime interruptions to promote sleep, nixing certain prescription drugs, and promoting exercise and social engagement, could decrease delirium in hospitalized older adults.