Our Stories
Read stories from our UCSF colleagues who describe how the University’s Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy (GRLN) affects them.
Luz Venegas (she/her/hers)
“Every person, regardless of their circumstances, has the right to be treated with kindness, empathy and understanding.”
Meet Luz
Shawn Demmons (he/him)
“When we humanize people, we neutralize transphobia and make room for stronger connections.”
​​Lusirena (they/them)
“Trans and gender-expansive people have loved, healed and led many Indigenous cultures across time, space and geography.”
Meet Lusirena

Nick (they/she)
“I had never gone by my legal name “Nicole” in day-to-day interactions – not with family, not in school or college and not in other workplaces.”
Meet Nick

Sen Nguyen (she/they)
“Having the opportunity to model what it means to feel affirmed in a professional setting is invaluable, both to me and to those I serve.”
​​​​Meet Sen

Sophia Zamudio-Haas (she/her/ella)
“This ease of giving my name and having it used without question is a comfort that I want for everyone.”
Meet Sophia

Jae Rouse Iñiguez (they/them/theirs)
“I’m gender nonbinary, which for me means that I do not identify with masculinities and femininities.”
Meet Jae

Jonathan Menendez (he/they)
“Identity is fluid, whether it’s race, gender, or sexuality – the spectrum is real and constantly evolving as we evolve.”
Meet Jonathan
Town Hall Panel
In a UCSF-wide Town Hall, we explored topics around the Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy in an insightful and impactful conversation. Watch that discussion.
CJ Frosch, Digital Engagement Strategist and Curator, Learning and Organization Development
Featured Panelists
Shawn Demmons, Project Director, Department of Family and Community Medicine
Yuri Cartier, Senior Research Associate, Social Interventions Research and Evaluation Network, UCSF School of Medicine
Leaders Take Note
UC San Francisco is implementing the University of California’s Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy so that all individuals are recognized and respected through their accurate gender identity and lived name. Aligning with UCSF’s PRIDE Values, the GRLN policy contributes to creating a supportive and inclusive University where everyone’s expression of their unique individuality is welcome.
Renee Navarro, PharmD, MD
Vice Chancellor
Chief Diversity and Outreach Officer
Professor, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care
Erin S. Gore
Senior Vice Chancellor
Finance and Administration

Supporting an Inclusive UCSF
We are all human beings deserving of respect. Acknowledging gender identities and lived names promotes an environment free of discrimination and harassment for all members of the UCSF community. Learn more about UCSF’s Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy.

Policies &


Be recognized. Be respected. Be you!