Nancy Adler Honored by The New York Academy of Medicine
The New York Academy of Medicine has selected Nancy Adler, PhD, to receive the 2017 Academy Medal for Distinguished Contributions in Biomedical Science.

Adler is being recognized for her pioneering work on health behavior decision-making and social determinants of health. Her research has helped identify causes and consequences of health-damaging behaviors, and the health impact of socioeconomic status and its psychosocial mediators.
Adler is the Lisa and John Pritzker Professor of Psychology at the UC San Francisco, vice chair of UCSF’s Department of Psychiatry and director of the UCSF Center for Health and the Community, Previous UCSF winners of this prestigious award are Harold Varmus, MD, and Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD.
Adler will receive her award on Nov. 2 at the Academy’s 170th Anniversary Discourse & Awards event, where other honorees include Donald Berwick, MD (Health Policy), Paula Johnson, MD (Public Health), and Herbert Pardes, MD (Clinical Practice).
The full press release about this year’s honorees is available on the Academy’s website.