Map of Current and Proposed UCSF Housing
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UCSF currently is able to meet one-third of the demand for campus housing, but is urgently working toward short- and long-term solutions to ensure that this is an affordable place to work and learn. Below is a map of existing housing properties, and plans under way.
In all existing UCSF housing, there are 935 contracts covering 1,487 people. Contracts are leases signed by individuals or families to live in a campus housing unit. Existing housing includes the following properties:
- Avenue Houses Students, located at Parnassus, which has 98 contracts covering 102 people.
- Avenue Houses Faculty, located at Parnassus, which has 20 contracts covering 52 people.
- 145 Irving Street, located at Parnassus, which has 35 contracts covering 35 people.
- Aldea Housing, located on Mount Sutro at Parnassus, which has 172 contracts covering 397 people.
- Block 20, located at Mission Bay, which has 596 contracts covering 879 people.
- Bayside Village, a leased property located South of Market, which has 14 contracts covering 22 people.
Proposed housing projects include the following:
- Proctor Site, located at Parnassus, which would provide 32 contracts for 32 people.
- Fifth and Parnassus, which would provide 45 contracts for 61 people.
- Millberry Union Towers, located at Parnassus which would provide 83 contracts for 83 people.
- UC Hall, located at Parnassus, which would provide 169 contracts for 212 people.
- Minnesota Street, located near Mission Bay, which is pending environmental reviewand would provide 706 contracts for 726 people.
- UC Hastings, located on the UC Hastings campus in the Tenderloin. It would provide 612 contracts for both UCSF and UC Hastings.