Networking Opportunity at Faculty Development Day
Faculty and staff chat at informational booths during Faculty Development Day 2013. Photo by Susan Merrell
The ninth annual Faculty Development Day offers all UC San Francisco faculty members an opportunity to network with colleagues, learn how to build and enhance their work life, and enjoy lunch together.
Sponsored by the Campus Council on Faculty Life (CCFL), the event, scheduled for Sept. 11, is one of several ongoing programs designed to improve the work climate for UCSF faculty.
Brian Alldredge, PharmD
“This is a wonderful opportunity for sharing of information directly relevant to faculty life and for community building” said Brian Alldredge, PharmD, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, and chair of the CCFL. “At every career stage, many of us have questions about negotiations, advancement, mentoring, diversity and other topics, and Faculty Development Day will be a great way to get answers to those questions.”
The Faculty Development Day events are relevant to faculty at all career stages. For example, the workshop “Funding your Research beyond the NIH” will address the increasing need for faculty to understand alternative sources of research while the closing plenary session, “Communicating Your Science: A Professional Necessity” presented by former NIH Program Director, Dennis Mangan, will give faculty tools to fine tune their “elevator pitch” so that they might clearly explain their research and clinical interests to diverse audiences.
During the networking luncheon B. Joseph Guglielmo, PharmD, Dean of the School of Pharmacy, will welcome faculty attendees and provide brief remarks about the current climate at UCSF. Faculty will also have the opportunity to visit more than 35 kiosks to learn about many UCSF organizations and initiatives.
“Faculty Development Day provides a unique opportunity for UCSF faculty across all ranks, disciplines, and campuses to come together to share experiences and to gain knowledge about advancement, promotion, and compensation as well as to build skills related to funding and managing research and being a successful clinician-educator,” said Cherrie B. Boyer, PhD, Chair of the Faculty Development Day and Professor in the Department of Pediatrics.
Faculty can register online via the Academic Affairs website for the event, which runs from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. at UCSF’s Laurel Heights Conference Center. The full program can be viewed here.