UCSF Seeks Nominations for Leaders Advancing Equal Rights

UC San Francisco is seeking nominations for the 2014 Chancellor Diversity Awards highlighting the contributions our campus community makes in the advancement of disability service, diversity, GLBT leadership and women.
Three individuals — one faculty, one staff, and one student/resident/postdoctoral scholar — will be selected in each category and will receive an award at a special ceremony on Thursday, Oct. 30, 2014.
Award for Disability Service
This award recognizes exceptional leadership beyond the scope of an individual’s job, area of research, or student training in furthering the goal of achieving awareness and equity for the disabled community within the UCSF community. The nomination form and award criteria are available online.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Award for Diversity
This award recognizes exceptional leadership beyond the scope of an individual's job, area of research, or student training in furthering the goal of achieving greater ethnic diversity at UCSF. The nomination form, award criteria, and a list of prior recipients are available online.
Award for GLBT Leadership
This award recognizes exceptional leadership efforts and contributions to the advancement of GLBT people and communities at UCSF beyond the scope of an individual's job, area of research, or academic training. The nomination form, award criteria, and a list of prior recipients are available online.
Advancement of Women
This award recognizes exceptional efforts toward the advancement of women at UCSF beyond the scope of an individual's job, area of research, or student training. The nomination form, award criteria, and a list of prior recipients are available online.
Questions may be directed to Paul Day, Office of Diversity and Outreach, via email at [email protected]. Forms and supporting materials must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 22, 2014.