CTSI Achievements

UCSF's Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) has made several important contributions as it supports the University's advancing health worldwide mission. Here are some highlights:
  • Deployed UCSF Profiles, an online networking and collaboration tool that enables the discovery of research expertise at UCSF.
  • Distributed more than $4.5 million in pilot awards proportionally across UCSF’s four schools of dentistry, medicine, nursing and pharmacy.
  • Invested $485,000 on an impact study in one of CTSI’s small grants programs, which resulted in $14 million in new research funding for UCSF.
  • Launched the first, centralized UCSF Participant Recruitment Service to foster the enrollment of research participants in UCSF clinical studies.
  • Initiated the T1 Translational Catalyst Award to provide investigators with extensive consultation from experts in academia, industry, and venture capital, in addition to financial support, to accelerate the development of commercially viable treatments and diagnostics.
  • Provided UCSF investigators with more than 22,000 hours of expert consultations since 2006 through Consultation Services in areas ranging from biostatistics and data management to geographical information systems and research ethics.
  • Supported the work of more than 1,500 researchers from UCSF and CTSI affiliates through Clinical Research Services, including space and expert staff, across eight clinical research sites in the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • Brought together diverse private and public sector partners to collaboratively lay the foundation for the San Francisco Bay Health Improvement Program (SF Bay HIP) with the goal of achieving measurable improvements in health in the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • Implemented self-sustaining business models for delivering research services and increased the proportion of its budget recovered through revenue by more than 50 percent.