Greenspan Appointed UCSF School of Dentistry's Associate Dean for Global Oral Health

John Greenspan
John Greenspan, BSc, BDS, PhD, FRCPath, FDSRCS, has been appointed to the new position of associate dean for Global Oral Health in the School of Dentistry, according to Dean John Featherstone, MSC, PhD.
Greenspan will hold this appointment in conjunction with his other duties within the School of Dentistry and on the UCSF campus.
As associate dean for Global Oral Health, Greenspan will be responsible for building, strengthening and coordinating our activities in global oral health, developing and supporting programs of excellence in global oral health sciences and international health within the school, and interacting with UCSF campus initiatives in global health. These include educational, research and community/public service initiatives.
Greenspan is Distinguished Professor of Oral Pathology in the School of Dentistry, and Distinguished Professor of Pathology in the UCSF School of Medicine. He is former chair of both the UCSF Academic Senate and the UC Systemwide Health Sciences Committee.
Greenspan is currently director of the UCSF AIDS Research Institute in the School of Medicine. He is founding director of three pioneering components of UCSF’s world-renowned AIDS program: the Oral AIDS Center; the campus-wide UCSF California AIDS Research Center; and the UCSF AIDS Specimen Bank. He was previously chair of the Department of Stomatology, now called the Department of Orofacial Sciences, and is the former associate dean for Research and Graduate Affairs at the School of Dentistry.
Greenspan is the former [founding] co-director of the Sjögren’s International Collaborative Clinical Alliance (SICCA), the world’s largest ongoing longitudinal cohort study of that autoimmune non-communicable disease. He is a fellow of the UK Royal College of Pathologists, a fellow of King’s College, London, and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He is a past-president of the American Association for Dental Research and of the International Association for Dental Research, a past-chair, Dentistry Section, AAAS and a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.
His research interests include the oral aspects of AIDS and the role of viruses and immune defects in oral epithelial and salivary gland lesions. Greenspan has published more than 300 papers and four books on oral aspects of AIDS, oral pathology, and immunopathology.
For more than 25 years, his group has been a leader in studies of oral aspects of HIV infection. He and his colleagues, notably Deborah Greenspan, have made major contributions to HIV research and care including: the discovery of the lesion hairy leukoplakia; its association with EBV; and the significance of this and other oral lesions in the natural history of HIV disease.
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