Campus Continues to Resolve Challenges of Furlough Plan, Chancellor Says

Susan Desmond-Hellmann
UCSF Chancellor Sue Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH, who will mark a full month at the helm of the University on Thursday, issued a message to the campus community on Monday.
Desmond-Hellmann took the helm of UCSF on Aug. 3 as UCSF and the entire UC system was preparing to implement the UC-mandated furlough and salary reduction plan that was approved by the UC Regents in July to help offset huge reductions in state support.
She briefly addressed that issue and her first two appointments to leadership positions in an Aug. 31 email to the campus community.
Here is her entire message:
Dear Colleagues:
As I complete my first 30 days as Chancellor, I want to thank the campus community for the warm welcome and support I have received since the announcement of my appointment. I am pleased to report significant progress on my commitment to ensure that the campus has strong leadership, including the appointment of Carol Moss as vice chancellor for development and alumni relations and the appointment of Sam Hawgood as the dean of the school of medicine and vice chancellor of medical affairs, subject to Regental approval. I appreciate the positive feedback I’ve received from many of you on Dr. Hawgood’s appointment and look forward to Ms. Moss starting on October 1, 2009.
Out of necessity, one of the priorities on which we continue to focus is implementation of the University-wide furlough plan. This week marks the official beginning of the 12-month program and, while several issues remain to be addressed, I want you to know that senior management is actively engaged on a daily basis in resolving the significant challenges presented by the plan. As issues are addressed, updated information is posted on UCSF’s Furlough Question and Answer document, which can be found here. In addition, faculty and staff can continue to ask questions about the furlough plan by emailing [email protected]. All questions will continue to be reviewed and researched, and the answers will be regularly posted on the Furlough Question and Answer document.
To assist our employees who earn annual salaries up to $60,000, we recently announced the Special Temporary Furlough Employee Emergency Loan Program, which is intended to provide financial assistance to career employees who will be furloughed and are experiencing additional financial stress causing them to need such assistance. Information about this program, as well as the Regular Employee Loan Program, can be found here.
The senior leadership is focused both on addressing the current challenges and on our plans for advancing the missions of UCSF. I look forward to communicating in more depth with you on the latter in the near future.
Susan Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH