Dental School Dean to Host Town Hall Meetings on Financial Crisis

John D.B. Featherstone
UCSF School of Dentistry Dean John D.B. Featherstone, MSc, PhD, will host two town hall meetings about the ongoing state financial crisis for dental school faculty and staff.
Town hall meetings are scheduled for noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 21 in Health Sciences West (HSW), room 303 on the Parnassus campus and Wednesday, Aug, 26, room HSW 303, according to an email message he sent on August 17.
Here is Featherstone’s full message:
Dean’s Message on the Financial Crisis: Furlough Plan at UCSF Dentistry
Dear Dental Faculty and Staff:
The UCSF School of Dentistry continues to work with the Chancellor’s Office and the other schools to implement the furlough plan approved by the UC Regents on July 16th.
We know that the Office of the President has circulated e-mails regarding the upcoming furlough plan, and the UCSF campus has established a committee to work across all schools to assess and recommend how best to manage and mitigate the impact of the furloughs. The first meetings have clarified some information, and we hope to have additional information to share as our work progresses. There will probably be many more questions before implementation on September 1.
Please click the link below to see Frequently Asked Questions and detailed answers on how the UC Furlough Plan will be implemented at UCSF as of today. As you will see, some of the answers are still in formation:
Additionally, two Dean’s Town Hall meetings have been scheduled to discuss implementation of the Furlough Plan in the School of Dentistry:
- Friday, August 21st - Noon to 1:00 p.m. - HSW 303 Staff and Faculty combined
- Wednesday, August 26th - Noon to 1:00 p.m. - HSW 303 Staff and Faculty combined
Further information regarding the budget, furloughs, and all aspects of the ongoing situation will be shared with the School community as soon as it is made available. Many details are still being worked out and/or awaiting approval.
I appreciate everyone’s involvement and feedback as we work through this together. This is a stressful time for all of us and I appreciate your efforts to maintain the excellence of our programs in the face of these problems.
John D.B. Featherstone, MSc, PhD
Dean, UCSF School of Dentistry