UCSF to Open Travel Medicine and Immunization Clinic

The UCSF Travel Medicine and Immunization Clinic will open its doors to the campus community on Monday, July 13.
This clinic is a unique partnership between the Division of Infectious Diseases and the Department of Pharmaceutical Services, in collaboration with the Occupational Health Program and the UCSF School of Pharmacy.
The clinic was created to provide care for UCSF employees traveling abroad on work-related matters, but also will be available to UCSF employees traveling at leisure. During clinic visits, employees will receive a pretravel medical evaluation and receive education about prevention of illness, prescriptions for prophylaxis against diarrheal and vector-borne disease, and administration of necessary immunizations. Available immunizations include those for yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, typhoid, hepatitis A, rabies, meningococcal meningitis, tetanus, polio, diphtheria and pertussis.

Brian Schwartz
“I am really excited that we will once again be able to provide high-level travel medicine care to the UCSF community,” said Clinic Medical Director Brian Schwartz, MD, assistant clinical professor of infectious diseases. “As the University continues to expand its international research programs, more employees will be at risk for travel-related illness, and the majority of these illnesses can be prevented with proper education, prophylactic medications and immunizations.”

Vicky Dudas
Vicky Dudas, PharmD, an infectious disease specialty pharmacist at UCSF, is the associate director of the clinic. She emphasizes to all prospective patients that “visits should be scheduled at least six to eight weeks prior to departure, since some immunizations require a series of injections over a three- to four-week period and all immunizations take several weeks to reach full effectiveness.”
For more information about the UCSF Travel Medicine and Immunization Clinic, please visit the clinic website.
Related Link:
Travel-Related Services
UCSF Occupational Health Program