Vice Provost Sally Marshall greets new faculty during a reception at UCSF.
The Chancellor’s Council on Faculty Life, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement will host the third Faculty Information and Welcoming Week from September 8 through 11.
Networking opportunities, which include luncheons with campus leaders, are scheduled as follows:
• Monday, Sept. 8, noon to 1:30 p.m., Millberry Union Conference Center, Parnassus campus
• Tuesday, Sept. 9, noon to 1:30 p.m., San Francisco General Hospital, Building 3, room 505
• Wednesday, Sept. 10, noon to 1:15 p.m., Laurel Heights, Garden Room, second floor
• Thursday, Sept. 11, noon to 1:30 p.m., Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Auditorium, Building 7, room 112
The main event, which is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 10, in the Laurel Heights Conference Center, will provide an orientation for new faculty and helpful information for all faculty. Chancellor Mike Bishop, MD, and Vice Provost Sally Marshall, PhD, will give opening remarks from 9 to 9:30 a.m.
During the workshops on Sept. 10, participants will learn about:
• faculty compensation and benefits
• the faculty review process for promotion and tenure
• negotiation skills
• supervising graduate students and postdoctoral scholars
• how to find and work with a mentor
• teaching skills and
• building a research career
See a complete schedule here (pdf). To register, click here.
The program has been well received by past participants, including one who commented, “I appreciate very much that this event was held, and that high-ranking members of UCSF faculty and administration were willing to participate. It was refreshing to have individuals in positions of power decode the system and make themselves available for questions, both at the time of the conferences and – one has the feeling – in the future, if necessary.”
Faculty Information and Welcoming Week, sponsored by the Chancellor’s Council on Faculty Life, is one of the ongoing initiatives to create a supportive work environment for faculty.
Recommendations to provide a more supportive work environment for faculty and staff are also a significant part of the UCSF Strategic Plan, which was unveiled in June 2007. The strategic plan, a guide for UCSF’s growth and development for the next two decades, calls for measures, such as developing effective mentoring programs, for all at UCSF and for grooming and promoting the next generation of UCSF leadership. More information about the strategic plan is posted here.