UCSF Launches New Strategic Plan Website

By Lisa Cisneros

The University has launched this new website to regularly communicate progress made in implementing the first-ever UCSF Strategic Plan. The website contains news and information about the plan, which articulates UCSF’s mission, advancing health worldwide™, its vision and these seven strategic directions:
  • Fostering innovation and collaboration
  • Translating discoveries into improved health
  • Educating future leaders
  • Providing highest-quality care
  • Nurturing diversity
  • Promoting a supportive work environment
  • Serving our community
Overall, UCSF has made steady progress since completing the campuswide strategic plan in June 2007. A progress report [PDF] lists 12 strategies identified for focused attention and progress this academic year, expected outcomes and key challenges ahead. The website was created by the UCSF Public Affairs department with direction and guidance by the UCSF Strategic Planning Board, which is co-chaired by Peter Carroll, MD, and Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD. Among the features of this new strategic plan website are:
  • A main news section where stories about the seven strategic directions appear
  • A section dedicated to each strategic direction with related stories and websites
  • A summary of the plan itself and related collateral materials, such as the original story about the plan, a PowerPoint version of the plan, and the progress report [PDF]
  • A letter from Chancellor Mike Bishop, MD, who introduced the plan and thanked the strategic planning board for its work thus far
  • A page listing the strategic planning board members and teams who drafted the plan with AMC Strategies, a firm specializing in strategic planning for academic health centers
Content will be updated regularly by UCSF Public Affairs staff, including Lisa Cisneros, assistant director, Shipra Shukla, internal communications manager, News Services writers and Susan Merrell, staff photographer. Content also will come from other campus communicators, including the schools and medical center, in the form of links to stories that relate to the strategic plan. “As always, UCSF Public Affairs welcomes suggestions and story ideas from faculty, staff, students, postdoctoral scholars, residents, alumni and friends,” says Cisneros, who led the development of the website as part of the strategic communications plan. Please send email comments to Cisneros at [email protected].