UCSF Accepts Nominations for MLK Award
UCSF is now accepting nominations for the 2008 Martin Luther King Jr. Award, which recognizes exceptional leadership to further the goal of achieving greater ethnic diversity at UCSF.
Each year, three individuals - one academic, one staff and one student/resident/postdoctoral scholar - may be selected to receive this award. Each recipient will receive $2,000.
The awards will be presented during the week of January 21 in conjunction with the annual campus celebration commemorating Dr. King.
Please consider those UCSF individuals whose special efforts merit this distinction.
The nomination form, award criteria and a list of previous award recipients are available on the Office of the Chancellor website under "Chancellor's Awards."
Nominations are due by 5 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2007 in the Office of Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity/Diversity, Box 0988, Laurel Heights, room 101. For more information, please call 415/476-1008.