UCSF Events for April 2007
Saturday, April 21
Love & Laughter…Legends!
* Featuring Carol Channing and master of ceremonies Will Durst. Event honors Ernest Rosenbaum, MD, of the UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center. Silent Auction with treats and treasures up for bid, complementary food and drinks. 8:00 p.m. Palace of Fine Arts Theatre, 3301 Lyon Street, San Francisco. For tickets and more information, call 415-885-7354 or email auxiliary.department@ucsfmedctr.org.
Tuesday, April 3
## A New Era In Medicine: Looking Through The Genetic Lens
* Presented by Katherine Hyland, PhD. 7 pm - 8:45 pm. $15. UCSF Medical Sciences Building, 513 Parnassus Ave., San Francisco. For more information and to register, call 415-476-2557 or visit
www.lifelonglearning.ucsf.edu .
Friday, April 13
## Could This Child Have A Form Of Autism? The Autism Spectrum
* Presented by Bryna Siegel, PhD, professor and director of Autism Clinic at Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute. Cosponsord by San Francisco Unified School District and UCSF University Community Partnerships Program. 1515 Quintara Avenue at 25th Avenue, San Francisco. For more information, call 415- 242-2615.
Tuesday, April 17
## Understanding The Role That Immune Cells In The Brain Play In Neurodegenerative Diseases
* Symposium featuring a panel of speakers. Sponsored by Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease. Robert W. Mahley Auditorium, 1650 Owens St., San Francisco. For more information, call 415-734-2509 or email knelson@gladstone.ucsf.edu.
Tuesdays, April 3, 10, 17, 24
## Smoking Cessation Services
* Counselor-led weekly sessions for 4 weeks or individual consultations with physicians trained in treating tobacco dependence, and access to relapse-prevention program. UCSF Tobacco Education Center, 2330 Post Street, Suite 420, Room 488, San Francisco. To register, call 415-885-7895. For more information, visit
http://cancer.ucsf.edu/crc/smoking.php .
Thursdays, April 5, 12, 19 & 26
## Birth Alternatives
* The four-week series covers the basic childbirth preparation content with an added emphasis on natural delivery and making choices in response to the birth process. $150. UCSF Women’s Health Resource Center, 2356 Sutter Street, 1st Floor, San Francisico. For more information, call 415-353-2668 or visit
Saturday, April 7
## Infant/Child CPR
* This class covers recognizing an infant or child in distress, performing emergency measures to relieve airway obstruction in a choking infant or child, performing CPR on an infant or child who is not breathing or is without a heartbeat. $40. 11 am - 1 pm. UCSF Women’s Health Resource Center, 2356 Sutter Street, 1st Floor, San Francisco. For more information, call 415-353-2667 or visit
Saturday, April 7
Saturday, April 21
## Intensive Childbirth Preparation
* A one-day childbirth preparation workshop designed to give participants the basic tools and information in preparing for birth. $170. 9:30 am - 4:30 pm. UCSF Women’s Health Resource Center, 2356 Sutter Street, Third Floor, Room J3-08, San Francisco. For more information, call 415-353-2667 or visit http://www.ucsf.edu/whrc/gexclasses.html .
Tuesdays, April 17, 24
Wednesday, April 4, 11
Saturday, April 14, 28
## Surviving The First Few Months With A New Baby: Basic Baby Care
* This class offers basic survival techniques to care for a newborn and emphasizes postpartum care for mom. 6:30 pm - 9 pm. $85. UCSF Women’s Health Resource Center, 2356 Sutter Street, Third Floor, Room J3-08. (2-part series or all day Saturday class) For more information, call (415) 353-2667 or visit http://www.ucsf.edu/whrc/gexclasses.html .