The Staff Council at UCSF is asking staff members to answer a short online survey to help shape the focus of its work this year.
Established by the chancellor to serve an advisory function on matters of staff concern, the Staff Council is an association of 2,100 staff employees at UCSF not represented by an exclusive bargaining agent.
Its mission is both to enhance communication among members and to advise the chancellor and campus administrators, with whom it has regular meetings. The Staff Council also facilitates communication with staff counterparts on other UC campuses through participation in the Council of University of California Staff Assemblies (CUCSA).
"As members of the Staff Council Executive Board, we realize that to be effective as a group, we must increase our visibility and engagement with our members," the Staff Council's leadership wrote. "Indeed, we cannot achieve our main goals - to communicate with each other and advise campus leadership about our concerns - without you. To that end, we would like to welcome you to become more involved in the Staff Council at UCSF."
The Staff Council meets monthly, on the third Tuesday of each month at noon, on the Parnassus campus. Staff members are encouraged to attend and to share thoughts with the council.
Occasionally, the council forms subcommittees to work on specific issues. Staff members with an interest in a particular idea are encouraged to spearhead discussion, and the council will help form a working group to take some action.
Staff members also are welcome to suggest specific topics or speakers to visit the campus. Those who have ideas about how the council can better communicate with staff are welcome to suggest them.
To get a better idea of the kinds of issues it should be working on, the council asks that staff fill out a
short survey before Friday, March 23.
To learn more, please visit the
UCSF Staff Council Executive Board
Jim Kiriakis, Chair: 415/353-4452
Edward Murphy, Chair-Elect: 415/206-4616
Kathy Jackson, Secretary: 415/476-0496
David Robb, Editor: 415/597-9203
Joel W. Gonzales, CUCSA Senior Delegate:
Heather Nichols, CUCSA Junior Delegate:
Clair Dunne, Regents' Observer: 415/476-4952
Roz Tuttle, Immediate Past Chair: 415/514-1147