Not So Fast: Healthwatch Special Report on Premature Ejaculation
For a two-part special report on premature ejaculation, Healthwatch correspondent Kim Mulvihill, MD, spoke to three top specialists in sexual medicine, including Paul J. Turek, MD, and Louann Brizendine, MD, both of UCSF.
Premature ejaculation - or PE for short - is the major sexual complaint of men. Studies show 20-30% of all sexually active men ages 15 to 85 suffer from PE.
Some men and some of their partners are not bothered by it; however experts say marriages and relationships have been terminated over it.
There is no diagnostic test for PE. It's a diagnosis that's made strictly on a patient's history. There are several treatments that can be undertaken including psychotherapy, topical drugs, couples therapy and drug therapy.
Related Links:
Not So Fast, Part 1
Healthwatch, KPIX-TV (CBS), February 4, 2007
Not So Fast, Part 2
Healthwatch, KPIX-TV (CBS), February 5, 2007
UCSF Male Reproductive Health Center