UCSF invites the public to Mini Medical School

Henry Sanchez, MD -----
The public is invited to join the conversation with the world’s leading experts in medicine and the health sciences at the upcoming winter program for UCSF’s Mini Medical School for the community, presented by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UCSF.
The new program begins in February with two courses: “Prologue: Basic Principles Underlying Modern Medicine from Genes to Body Systems” and “Health Care Issues for Older Adults.”
Mini Medical School is designed to provide members of the community the opportunity to learn what goes on every day in UCSF’s classrooms, featuring lectures from the same faculty who teach UCSF students.
The “Prologue” course mirrors the first block of coursework included in the “Essential Core” of the UCSF Medical School curriculum. It provides an introduction to clinical medicine and a scientific foundation in several disciplines, including anatomy, genetics, medical imaging, emergency medicine and patient/physician communication. “Prologue” will be held Tuesday evenings, February 27-April 3, from 7:00 to 8:45 pm.
The “Health Care Issues” course will explore issues commonly experienced by older adults. Participants will have the opportunity to learn and ask questions about their concerns related to these topics. The course will be held Saturday mornings, from 9:00 am to noon, February 24, March 10 and March 24.
“Prologue” classes will be held on the UCSF campus, 513 Parnassus Ave. Each class includes a one-hour lecture followed by a question-and-answer session. Tuition is $75. Parking in the UCSF campus garage is $3 per evening.
“Health Care Issues” classes will be held at the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco, 3200 California Street. Tuition is $50.
For more information or to register, call the UCSF Public Affairs office at (415) 476-2557 or visit the website at lifelonglearning.ucsf.edu.
The complete schedule for UCSF Mini Medical School follows:
* February 27: “Anatomy Revealed: Understanding the Anatomy Behind Clinical Procedure” by Kimberly S. Topp, PT, PhD
* March 6: “The ABCs of the Emergency Department” by Jo Feldman, MD
* March 13: “The Physical Exam and Bedside Manners for Doctors and Patients” by Calvin Chou, MD, PhD
* March 20: “Radiology and Beyond: The Use of Advanced Medical Imaging Technology, including 3D Virtual Reality, to Detect and Manage Disease, Therapeutic Procedures and to Teach Anatomy” by Richard Breiman, MD
* March 27: “CSI: Fact vs. Fiction from the Perspective of a Pathologist: What You See on TV May Not Be True” by Henry Sanchez, MD
* April 3: “A New Era in Medicine: Looking Through the Genetic Lens” by Katherine Hyland, PhD
* February 24:
“What Families Need to Know about Delirium” by Eric Widera, MD, and
” Capturing the Moment: Strategies for Maintaining your Relationship with a Loved One Who has Dementia” by Theresa Allison, MD
* March 10:
“Managing Your Medications: How to Minimize Side Effects and Maximize Benefits” by Kirby Lee, PharmD, and ” Prostate Cancer and the Older Man - How Worried Should We Be?” by Badrinath Konety, MD
* March 24:
“Eye Care and Diabetes” by Daniel Schainholz, MD, MPH, and “Computer-based Training in Older Adults with Memory Complaints” by Deborah Barnes, PhD
Mini Medical School is supported in part by a grant from the Bernard Osher Foundation, and by the UCSF Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy, the UCSF Medical Center and the UCSF Public Affairs Department. The course on “Health Care Issues for Older Adults” is partially supported by the University of California Academic Geriatric Resource Program.
UCSF is a leading university that advances health worldwide by conducting advanced biomedical research, educating graduate students in the life sciences and health professions, and providing complex patient care.