Black Caucus to Host Black Heritage Month Gala
The Black Caucus is hosting the 17th annual Black Heritage Month Gala on Saturday, Feb. 24 at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel, 1800 Old Bayshore Highway in Burlingame.
The theme for this year's party is "Honoring the Past, Creating Future Leaders."
The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a no-host cocktail hour. The dinner and dance is scheduled from 7:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets for the festivities cost $75 per person.
For tickets at the following locations, please call:
* Mount Zion: Cecilia Trotman at 353-7459
* Parnassus: Jeanette Howard at 476-3183
or Drew Pitts at 608-7693
* Laurel Heights: Crystal Morris at 476-2115
or Elease Monor at 514-3330
* Montgomery Street: Mary Lisby-Arrington
at 476-3215
* San Francisco General Hospital: Ira
Wilson-Butler at 206-5568
* Mission Center Building: Mary Caston
at 476-2833
Tickets are also available through PayPal. Email for more information.