Ahmad GhaneaBassiri, MD, Pediatric Intern Award Established

By Phyllis Brown

Ahmad GhaneaBassiri

A new grant for pediatric interns who show exceptionally compassionate, patient-centered care has been established in the name of Ahmad GhaneaBassiri, MD, by his children, two of whom are members of the UCSF faculty. Dedicated to the field of pediatrics and with a long and distinguished medical career primarily in Iran, GhaneaBassiri, who is in his 80s, is a regular presence at UCSF pediatrics grand rounds. He is now retired. The $2,000 grant in his honor will be awarded on an annual basis. The award was a birthday gift from all five of his children. Two of them are members of the UCSF faculty. Kavoos G. Bassiri, 39, is a clinical instructor in the Department of Psychiatry and is the CEO of Richmond Area Multi-Services, Inc. (RAMS), a private, nonprofit mental health organization in San Francisco. Haleh G. Bassiri, MD, 42, a practicing endocrinologist, is an assistant clinical professor in the Department of Medicine. "One thing that my father always talks about is how much of healing is in the way that we interact with our patients," Kavoos Bassiri said. "He has always been very passionate about that. So it made perfect sense that we would give something to the interns in his honor, based on the importance of how you engage with and treat patients." GhaneaBassiri has been a dedicated pediatrician and educator for more than 50 years. He was appointed professor of pediatrics at the University of Tehran and, several years later, served as its vice chancellor, as well as dean of the School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research. He was a founding board member of the Iranian Pediatric Society, also serving as a member of various medical, academic and research committees at University of Tehran. In addition, he was chief of pediatrics at Pahlavi Hospital Medical Center in Tehran, and was founder of the newborn and premature ward and head of gynecology and obstetrics at Hospital Medical Center, University of Tehran. GhaneaBassiri conducted extensive clinical research in Iran and, most notably, authored three medical books. He published more than 50 articles in Iranian medical journals. He served as an adviser on the doctoral theses of more than 100 University of Tehran medical students. GhaneaBassiri attended medical school and completed his residency training in pediatrics at University of Tehran. He completed a pediatrics internship and postgraduate studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, and was a visiting physician at Johns Hopkins University, University of Southern California, Hospital for Sick Children in London and HĂ´pital Necker Enfants Malade in Paris.