UCSF events for December 2006

By Derek Deike


Friday, December 1
WORLD AIDS DAY MUSICAL CONCERT: AN EVENING OF REMEMBRANCE AND HOPE Join the AIDS Research Institute at UCSF for its fifth annual observance of World AIDS Day with an uplifting musical concert. Young Bay Area jazz sensation, Spencer Day, headlines the concert. 7 p.m. Robertson Auditorium at the Community Center at UCSF. Mission Bay, 16th and 3rd Streets, San Francisco. For more information, contact klorenzo@ari.ucsf.edu.

Tuesday through Thursday, December 5 - 7 BENEFIT JEWELRY SALE The Hospitals Auxiliary of UCSF Medical Center will sponsor jewelry sales to benefit patients, a portion of each sale supporting amenities for adult and child patients. Includes freshwater pearl and crystal jewelry from Champagne Pearls. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Medical Sciences Building, 513 Parnassus Avenue, lobby. For more information, call (415) 353-1366 or email rbehwarden@mac.com.

Wednesday - Thursday, December 6 & 7
Find the perfect holiday gift from an assortment of vendors. All proceeds support future arts and events at UCSF. Admission is free. Wednesday, 10am to 6pm. Thursday, 8am to 5pm UCSF Millberry Union Conference Center, 500 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco. For more information, email artsandevents@cls.ucsf.edu.


Tuesday, December 12
ALL IN THE FAMILY: A UCSF UPDATE ON HEREDITARY CANCER Experts will address commonly expressed concerns, provide updates on new advances in hereditary cancer, and explain how elevated risk can be mitigated by surveillance, preventive surgery, and lifestyle changes. 3:00-6:00 p.m.. UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion, 1600 Divisadero, Herbst Hall, San Francisco. RSVP at the event website, http://cancer.ucsf.edu/risk. For more information, contact communications@cc.ucsf.edu.


Fridays, December 1 - 22
Exercise program, using mats, to gain strength, endurance, and flexibility. With Jane Clark, certified pilates and fitness instructor. 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. UCSF Cancer Resource Center, 1701 Divisadero St, Room 110, San Francisco. For more information, call (415) 885-3693 or email CancerResource@ucsfmedctr.org.

Saturday, December 2
Stretch and strengthen over 300 different muscles. All levels welcome. 2:15 - 4:15 p.m. UCSF Millberry Fitness and Recreation Center, 500 Parnassus Ave, San Francisco.  For more information, email bboka@cls.ucsf.edu or go to http://www.campuslifeservices.ucsf.edu.

Saturday, December 2
SURVIVING THE FIRST FEW MONTHS WITH A NEW BABY: BASIC BABY CARE This class offers basic survival techniques to care for a newborn and emphasizes postpartum care for mom. Learn about newborn characteristics, infant milestones, bathing, hygiene, diapers, diapering, crying, comforting, sleep and recognizing the signs of illness. Great for first time parents. 9:30 a.m. $85. 2356 Sutter St, Third Floor, J3-08. Call Great Expectations at (415) 353-2667 to register. For more information, contact whrc@ucsfmedctr.org.

Mondays, December 4 - 18
Drop-in class for both novice and experienced meditators. Relaxation and mindfulness practices for cancer patients and caregivers. Alternating instructors Teresa Corrigan, RN, and Brook Stone, LCSW. Free. 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, 1701 Divisadero, Suite 150, San Francisco. For information call (415) 885-3693 or e-mail cancerresource@ucsfmedctr.org.

Tuesdays, December 5 - 19
Drop-in with Zoe Ngo, PharmD, to discuss drug therapies, interactions, side effects, herbal medications & online resources. Free. 11:00 a.m. - Noon. UCSF Cancer Resource Center, 1600 Divisadero St, 1st Fl, San Francisco. For more information call (415) 885-3693 or email CancerResource@ucsfmedctr.org.

Tuesdays, December 5 - 19
YOGA: MEDICAL & STRESS-RELATED CONDITIONS Continuing yoga with gentle movements, postures, slow deep-breathing, meditation, and relaxation for more advanced students. $12 per class. 6:30 p.m. UCSF Cancer Resource Center, 1701 Divisadero St., Suite 150, San Francisco.  Prior to 1st class, contact instructor Jnani Chapman at (415) 353-9507. For more information, call (415) 885-3693 or email CancerResource@ucsfmedctr.org.

Tuesdays, December 5 - 19
Movement, imagery, and creativity to facilitate healing, led by Anne Krantz, PhD, ADTR. Techniques to deal with tension, enhance relaxation, and cope with medical procedures and physical limitations. Dance background unnecessary. 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. UCSF Cancer Resource Center, 1701 Divisadero St., Suite 150, San Francisco. For information, call (415) 885-3693.

Tuesdays, December 5 & 12
Learn about breast physiology, milk production, let-down, latch-on and positioning. This class teaches participants how to overcome breastfeeding challenges, problem solve and how to establish a successful breastfeeding relationship right from the start. $40. 6:30 p.m. UCSF Mount Zion Medical Center, 2356 Sutter St, Third Floor, Room J3-08, San Francisco. Call Great Expectations at (415) 353-2667 to register.

Wednesdays, December 6 - 20
With Alice Brydges, CMT. Feldenkrais Method. Uses a series of deceptively simple floor exercises that provide a method for rehabilitation and chronic pain relief. Geared toward those in recovery from cancer, including spouses, family, and caregivers. Release form required for exercise classes. Free. Noon-1:15 p.m. UCSF Mount Zion Medical Center, 2200 Post St., Hellman Conference Room, San Francisco. Call (415) 885-3693 or email CancerResource@ucsfmedctr.org.

Thursdays, December 7 - 28
CHILDBIRTH PREPARATION: INTEGRATED METHODS Four-week series class with overview of the stages and process of labor, breathing and relaxation techniques, support, medication options. $150 with a $20 discount for women having their baby at UCSF. 6:30 p.m.  UCSF Mount Zion Medical Center, 2356 Sutter St. 3rd Fl., Room J3-08, San Francisco. To register call Great Expectations at (415) 353-2667. For information, email whrc@ucsfmedctr.org or go to http://www.ucsf.edu/whrc/gexclasses.html.

Saturdays, December 9 & 18
A one-day childbirth preparation workshop designed to give participants the basic tools and information in preparing for birth. Due to the accelerated format, participants are sent the class packet to review prior to the class.  $165 with a $20 discount for women having their babies at UCSF. 9:30 a.m. UCSF Mount Zion Medical Center, 2356 Sutter St., Third Floor, Room J3-08, San Francisco. Call Great Expectations at (415)353-2667 to register. For more information, contact whrc@ucsfmedctr.org or http://www.ucsf.edu/whrc/gexclasses.html.

Saturday, December 9
One-day workshop. The holidays are fast approaching. Brush up, learn some new moves. All levels welcome. Register today. 2:15 - 4:15 p.m. UCSF Millberry Fitness and Recreation Center, 500 Parnassus Ave, San Francisco. For more information, email bboka@cls.ucsf.edu or go to http://www.campuslifeservices.ucsf.edu.

Friday, December 15
This one-day workshop is designed to give expectant parents basic information on raising twins including reassuring advice and practical considerations. Topics include important aspects of prenatal care, labor and delivery, feeding issues and preparing home and family for the arrival of multiples. $40. 11 a.m. UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion, 2356 Sutter St., Third Floor, Room J3-08, San Francisco. For more information, email whrc@ucsfmedctr.org or go to http://www.ucsf.edu/whrc/gexclasses.html.