Academic Senate Calls for Nominations for 50th Faculty Research Lecture

The Academic Senate Committee on Research is now accepting nominations for the 50th Faculty Research Lecture for 2006-07. Nominations are due on Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2007. Each year, this distinction proudly acknowledges the outstanding scientific achievements made by a member of the UCSF Academic Senate. Academic Senate members are asked to consider the contributions of their colleagues, so that their achievements may be recognized by the University community. The original and 25 copies of the following information must be received in the Academic Senate Office, Room MUE 253, Box 0764 no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2007:
  • • A one-page letter summarizing the most outstanding achievements of the nominee's scientific career.
  • • A current curriculum vitae and a cover sheet that contains the nominee's name, degree(s), title, department(s) and school affiliation(s).
  • • Three letters of support from individual UCSF faculty only.
  • • Four reprints representative of the candidate's publications.
The 50th Faculty Research Lecture will be held on Tuesday, May 1, 2007, at 3:30 p.m. in the General Auditorium at the Mission Bay Community Center. Please contact Senate Analyst Shilpa Patel at 415/514-2696 or Senate Director Tamara Maimon 415/476-3808 with questions.