The University of California Student Association (UCSA) has adopted student voter registration and education as one of its highest three priorities for 2006-07.
In association with that priority, University of California President Robert C. Dynes has declared this week (October 16-23, 2006) as UC Student Voter Registration week.
Importantly, this is the last full week that it is possible to register before the state voter registration cut-off date of October 23.
From now until the election on Tuesday, Nov. 7, the UCSA, working in tandem with its member campus governments, campus life administrators, and campus faculty, would like to register 26,000 new student voters, to educate 50,000 students about the candidates and the issues through distribution of nonpartisan voter education materials, and to increase student voter turnout at the polls by 10 percent over the student turnout for the 2002 General Election.
To meet these goals, the UCSA and its member student governments have a full program of nonpartisan campus voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities planned, culminating during the weeks of October 16-23 and November 1-7.
At UCSF, the Graduate Students' Association (GSA) and The Associated Students of UCSF (ASUCSF) have partnered to sponsor a free ice cream social and voter registration drive on Tuesday, Oct. 17, from noon to 1 p.m. in Saunders Court on the Parnassus campus.
Related Links:
10/17 Ice Cream Social and Voter Registration Drive
Co-sponsored by The Associated Students of UCSF (ASUCSF) and the Graduate Students' Association (GSA)
Voter Information for Students
University of California
Voter Education and Outreach
Office of the California Secretary of State
UCSF Stands to Gain from Prop 1D on the Nov. 7 Ballot
UCSF Today, September 28, 2006
UCSA Exists to Represent Students
Synapse, September 28, 2006