Clifford Roberts
Clifford Roberts, DVM, director of the Laboratory Animal Resource Center (LARC) within the Office of Research, has been named to the role of interim associate vice chancellor in the Office of Research, effective October 16.
Roberts will take the post as Associate Vice Chancellor Ara Tahmassian, PhD, steps down for retirement and while UCSF conducts a search for permanent leadership, according to Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Eugene Washington, MD.
A diplomate of the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine, Roberts is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including the US Army Surgeon General's "A" Designation in Laboratory Animal Medicine. He received his BS and DVM degrees from Texas A&M University.
Roberts has in-depth knowledge of the units reporting to Tahmassian and significant management experience, both at UCSF and prior to joining the University through his positions as deputy director at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, and as director/commander of the US Army Medical Research Unit in Kenya.
In his capacity as interim associate vice chancellor, Roberts' responsibilities include those previously held by Tahmassian. Roberts will oversee the Cell Culture Facility; the Human Research Protection Committee; Institutional Animal Care and Use Program; the LARC; the Office of Environmental Health and Safety; Research Information Systems and Support; the directors, managers, and/or coordinators for Compliance, Bioterrorism the Quality Improvement Project; and the research administration office and finance unit.
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