UCSF Children's Hospital leukemia patient to be reunited with stolen puppy

WHAT: UCSF Children’s Hospital leukemia patient Kyle Wetle and his family will be reunited today (Wednesday) with the 15-week-old Chihuahua puppy named Chemo that was stolen from the family vehicle on September 2.
Chemo was surrendered to UCSF police officers yesterday (Tuesday) at the Koret Family House on 10th Avenue, where the Wetle family, of Monterey, as been staying during Kyle’s hospitalization. The puppy was stolen from the family’s vehicle while it was parked in the UCSF campus parking garage on Parnassus Heights.
Kyle, age 8, is being treated with chemotherapy at UCSF Children’s
Hospital in the hope that his leukemia will go into remission so that he can receive a life-saving bone marrow transplant.
At about 9:30 p.m. last night, Kyle’s mother, Katrina Wetle, retrieved
Chemo from the custody of the UCSF Police Department, confirming that the puppy is the family pet. Wetle said that she is “ecstatic” that Chemo has been found and will be reunited with Kyle. “It was just surreal.” Wetle said.
“I just couldn’t believe I was holding him after everything that’s
happened. I am so excited for Kyle that I’m just about to pop.”
Further information about Kyle Jackson Wetle’s condition is
posted on a special Web site at
WHEN: Wednesday, September 6, 2:00 to 3:00 PM
WHERE: UCSF Children’s Hospital
Sixth Floor
505 Parnassus Ave., San Francisco, CA
WHO: Katrina Wetle, mother of Kyle Wetle
Chemo, 15-week-old Chihuahua puppy
Roxanne Fernandes, executive director, UCSF Children’s Hospital Captain Torin G. Fischer, UCSF Police Department
CONTACT: Media interested in attending the reunion of Kyle Wetle with Chemo should contact the UCSF News Office at (415) 476-2557.
One of the nation’s top children’s hospitals, UCSF Children’s Hospital creates a healing environment where children and their families find compassionate care at the healing edge of scientific discovery, with more than 150 experts in 50 medical specialties serving patients throughout Northern California and beyond.
UCSF is a leading university that consistently defines health care worldwide by conducting advanced biomedical research, educating graduate students in the health professions and life sciences, and providing complex patient care.