Final Push for AIDS Walk Support

With a goal to raise $65,000, UCSF AIDS Walk organizers are hoping that the campus community can rise to the occasion. The 20th annual 6.2-mile trek through Golden Gate Park to raise funds for AIDS services, including the UCSF AIDS Health Project, is fast approaching. The San Francisco AIDS Walk is slated for Sunday, July 16. For the second year in a row, UCSF has organized a campuswide competition with teams representing the schools, medical center, administrative units and others in an effort to win the bronzed AIDS Walk trophy. Friends and family can sign up for the UCSF team as a whole or join one of the others. Recently, two new teams signed up for the friendly competition. A microbiology and immunology team is being spearheaded by DeAnna Sosnowchik, and a team representing the UCSF Summer Research Training Program for master's and PhD students in the sciences is being spearheaded by Ifeyinwa Asiodu. The School of Pharmacy team made history last year when it won the first-ever UCSF AIDS Walk competition and the trophy. Call to Action This year, other schools are encouraging participation not just to win the trophy - and bragging rights -- but also to help raise money for those living with HIV/AIDS and as a way to remember those who have died from the disease. School of Nursing Dean Kathy Dracup, DNSc, expressed these sentiments in a recent email to the nursing school community. "This morning I made a contribution to the AIDS Walk San Francisco, in memory of friends and colleagues who were struck down in the devastating early days of the AIDS epidemic," Dracup wrote. "Many of you, I am sure, have your own colleagues, friends, and family members that you might wish to honor. "The campus has added a lighthearted competition this year, by creating teams. Now, if you know me, you know that the spirit of collaboration is stronger than any competitive one, so I will simply point you to the website that outlines the competition, and say that I hope that you will collaborate to make UCSF a strong presence!" David Kessler, MD, dean of the UCSF School of Medicine and vice chancellor for medical affairs, issued a similar call to action. "As you are probably aware, 25 years ago, the illness that we now call AIDS was first reported," Kessler wrote. "While the collective work of thousands of researchers here at UCSF and around the globe has made an enormous difference and saved many thousands of lives, some 11,000 people become infected with HIV every day and nearly 8,000 die from AIDS. There is much to be thankful for, but there is much more work to be done. "Even though many people here in San Francisco and throughout the United States live many years with HIV, the pandemic will not end without more effective ways to prevent infection. Despite more than $3 billion spent on vaccine research, there remains no effective AIDS vaccine. Continued research and testing is essential. Equally important are services to reduce the spread of HIV and to help keep people infected with HIV healthy. "One small way that each of us can make a difference is to support this year's 20th Annual AIDS Walk San Francisco." More Details Here are a few more details about the event: FREE STUFF: All UCSF team members will receive a 20th anniversary AIDS Walk commemorative T-shirt designed by UCSF's Judy Liao, a continental breakfast to launch the walk, and complimentary lunch. PHOTO OPPORTUNITY: All UCSF teams can meet at 9:45 a.m. near the AIDS Walk San Francisco photo area for a group picture. VOLUNTEERS: Those who want to volunteer to clean up after the event can contact Michael Fortes, Public Affairs office manager, at 415/476-3438 or DONATIONS: Those unable to walk but who want to make a donation can go to the UCSF Friends and Family Team No. 0-89 and make a General Team Donation. PRIZE: This year, the UCSF AIDS Walk Committee will be awarding a special prize for the first-time walker who raises the most money. The prize, a MacBook 1.83GHz, has been generously donated by Campus Life Services. MUSIC: After the walk, folks can enjoy music in Sharon Meadow from about noon to 2 p.m. featuring live bands and a DJ from Energy 92.7. PARKING: UCSF has agreed to a flat parking fee of $3 in the Parnassus garage on the day of the walk for registered walkers. Links: San Francisco AIDS Walk