Campus Announces AIDS Walk T-Shirt Design Winner

By Lisa Cisneros

Judy Liao

Judith Liao, an analyst who works in the Compass Care Pediatric Palliative Care Program at UCSF Children's Hospital, has been named the winner of the UCSF AIDS Walk T-shirt design contest. With the slogan "UCSF Walks to Cure AIDS," Liao's design was selected among six images submitted to the UCSF AIDS Walk Committee. The contest showcased the creative talents of those at UCSF. Honorable mention goes to these artists:
  • Vaishali Patel, who sent a design on behalf of the Center for Health and Community team;
  • Christopher Wang, Department of Biochemistry;
  • James Joves, School of Pharmacy Dean's Office;
  • Kathleen Lee, UCSF IRTS digital imaging; and
  • Rachna Sharma, School of Medicine.
Having illustrated and designed throughout her life, Liao says her AIDS Walk design was straightforward - touching on the fact that the walk is now in its 20th year. "When composing my design, I wanted to keep it as simple as possible," she says. "Using symbols of the universal human walking sign and the red ribbon to represent the AIDS Walk, the design came together nicely." For her efforts, Liao will receive a prize, which has yet to be determined. Liao also designed a shirt for her alma mater, UC Santa Barbara, where she majored in Asian American studies and physiology. There, she designed a T-shirt for the "Take Back the Night" event. Since then, Liao's creative work has included makeup artistry and graphic design and illustration. Liao, who worked in the department of general surgery before moving to pediatrics two weeks ago, now has her sights set on enrolling in pharmacy school. She plans to apply to the UCSF School of Pharmacy.

The UCSF AIDS Walk Committee, led by Carol Fox, director of special programs, UCSF Public Affairs, looks over T-shirt designs.

UCSF is encouraging faculty, staff and students to participate in the fund raising event to benefit AIDS-related organizations on Sunday, July 16, by walking, donating money to walkers or volunteering on that day. To sign up to walk, go to Click on San Francisco, then Register Now and then Join A Team. Scroll down to a UCSF team and register. The campus has set a goal to raise $65,000 this year, which is $5,000 more than what was raised last year. To date, however, commitments have been made for $15,000, so UCSF has a long way to go. As an extra incentive, Campus Life Services has donated a MacBook l.83GHz as a prize to the first-time walker who raises the most money. Volunteers are needed from about 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on July 16 to check in walkers, distribute food and T-shirts, and clean up. To sign up, or to refer someone who wants to volunteer, contact Michael Fortes, office manager at UCSF Public Affairs, at 415/476-3438 or