UCSF Names New Fellows for Two Research Programs

UCSF has named the 2006-2007 recipients of the Doris Duke Clinical Research Fellowship Program for Medical Students and the 2006-2007 recipients of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Roadmap Predoctoral Training Program, called the Pathways to Careers in Clinical & Translational Research (PACCTR) Fellowship. In related news, the Fifth Annual Doris Duke Clinical Research Fellowship for Medical Students Seminar is scheduled for Wednesday, May 17 from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. The symposium will be held on the UCSF Parnassus campus, Millberry Union, Golden Gate Room. During the seminar, the 2005-2006 fellows will each give a 15-minute presentation outlining their research. Refreshments will be served. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Terry O'Donnell. Doris Duke Clinical Research Fellowship
The Doris Duke Clinical Research Fellowship Program is a $5 million 4-year fellowship program designed to encourage medical students to pursue a career in clinical and translational research. UCSF is one of 10medical schools nationwide selected to host this program, which is in its fifth year. In addition to the Doris Duke Clinical Research Program, the National Center for Research Resources of the NIH has funded two Clinical Research Center (CRC) fellowships. Working with a faculty mentorship team, each of these outstanding students will receive a stipend to take one year off from medical school to expand their skills in the theory and practice of clinical and translational research. Six students from outside UCSF were selected after a highly competitive national competition. The UCSF program director is Joel Palefsky, MD, associate dean for Clinical & Translational Research, and director of the UCSF General Clinical Research Center.
The Doris Duke Medical Student/Clinical Research Fellows for 2006-2007 are:
  • • Kevin Ard, Washington University
  • • Lisa Bebell, Columbia University
  • • Matthew Bucknor, Stanford University
  • • Luis Corrales, Harvard University
  • • Edgar Macias, Harvard University
  • • Sean McBride, Yale University
Pathways to Careers in Clinical & Translational Research Fellowship
UCSF also named the 2006-2007 recipients of the NIH Roadmap Predoctoral Training Program, called Pathways to Careers in Clinical & Translational Research (PACCTR) Fellowship. The NIH Roadmap initiative provided nearly $6.7 million in funding to 10 institutions to promote clinical research training among predoctoral medical, dental, nursing, and other allied health students to provide efficient entry of interested students into clinical research careers. UCSF was among the 10 institutions chosen because it has a strong clinical research infrastructure and novel training ideas. The NIH Roadmap gives institutions the flexibility they need to develop novel training programs that provide all students access to a range of clinical research experiences appropriate to their interest, thus increasing the pipeline to clinical research careers. The goal of program is to increase the number of well-trained clinical researchers who will assume leadership roles in the design and oversight of future clinical investigations critical to the overall mission of the NIH. The Program will provide early exposure and appropriate training in clinical research for predoctoral students enrolled in medical and dental schools, and for nursing and allied health students enrolled in doctoral programs.
PACCTR Year long fellows for 2006/07 are:
  • • Janetta Iwanicki (Medicine)
  • • Dana Myers (Medicine)
  • • Abigail Phillips (Medicine)
  • • Samantha Piper (Medicine)
  • • Kristin Rising (Medicine)
  • • Allison Webel (Nursing)
  • • Kynan Ricks (Medicine)
  • • Gaurav Singh (Medicine)
  • • Leslie Aitken (Medicine)