Free Workshops on Green Buildings Available to Staff
Labs21, Environmental Performance Criteria and LEED for Labs: This half-day seminar will present information on the Laboratories for the 21st Century (Labs21) Environmental Performance Criteria (EPC), a point-based rating system to assess the environmental performance of laboratories that is mandated by the UC Regental Policy for all new UC lab buildings. The EPC build on the LEED [TM] rating system by adding credits and prerequisites pertaining to laboratories. The EPC is being used as a basis for a point-based rating system to assess the environmental performance of laboratories. Using LEED for Existing Buildings to Green Your Campus Buildings: The intent of this workshop is to provide an effective tutorial on applying the LEED-Existing Building Rating System in campus environments, with an emphasis on the unique challenges and opportunities presented by educational institutions, multi-building properties/sites and ongoing management of campus sustainability initiatives. UC affiliates may register now for the workshops here. For more information, contact Emily Montan, UC PMI Coordinator, UC/CSU/IOU Energy Efficiency Partnership participant, at 510/987-9287.