UCSF Responds to Bay Area Blood Shortage

The UCSF Blood Center is stepping up its mobile blood drives in response to a Bay Area-wide blood shortage. The center is holding blood drives at the schools of dentistry, nursing and pharmacy as well as many other sites around campus in the next few weeks to boost UCSF's blood supplies. The center is especially in need of types A and O, both positive and negative, says manager Jean Katz. "The potential is there to have to cancel elective surgeries, but we're doing everything in our power to prevent that from happening," Katz says. The Bay Area blood shortage was reported Jan. 17 by Blood Centers of the Pacific (BCP), the community's largest blood bank, which supplies 41 Bay Area hospitals, including all those in San Francisco. A decrease in donations and a rise in surgeries over the past month have combined to severely reduce Bay Area blood supplies to less than one day's worth, according to BCP spokesperson Lisa Bloch. The situation is especially dire due to the closing of the BCP's Napa center after flooding in that area caused considerable water damage. The Napa center usually saw around 30 volunteer donors a day, which represents a significant loss, according to the BCP. This loss comes at a time when blood supplies are typically low anyway, says UCSF's Katz. January is National Blood Donor Month because donations almost always drop off after the holidays. "The season of giving is over," she says. In fact, blood supplies usually start to fall in December during the holidays because people are too busy to donate. Then they really decline in January, when the weather turns worse and the flu season kicks in, Katz explains. But the UCSF Blood Center is putting up a strong fight to combat the current shortage. The blood drive at the School of Dentistry starts today (January 23) and runs through the weekend. "All the classes compete with each other and the faculty contribute, as well," Katz says. "It's always neat to see the faculty rally the students." The drive at the School of Pharmacy also will run six days starting Monday, Jan. 30. The School of Nursing drive will be held Thursday, Jan. 26. All the school blood drives are open to everyone. Other upcoming mobile blood drives are listed below. Volunteers are also encouraged to donate blood anytime by visiting the Blood Center located in Millberry Union, 500 Parnassus Ave., room M U09, I level. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Katz recommends that volunteers eat a good meal before donating blood. Katz sees donating blood as an excellent way to help the UC community in times of shortage. "We like to say, 'roll up a sleeve and recycle a pint.'" Upcoming UCSF blood drives: • January 25 - Mission Center Building, 1855 Folsom St. • February 1 - Golden Gate Conference Room, Millberry Union, 500 Parnassus Ave. • February 15 - 2300 Harrison Street • February 23 - UC Berkeley, in front of the Tang Center • March 1 - Executive Park, 250 Executive Park Blvd. Source: Aria Pearson Links: UCSF Blood Center Bay Area Facing Critical Blood Shortage