UCSF celebrates its "Miracle Babies" on October 22

Saunders Court -----
WHEN: 11:00 am to 3:00 pm, Saturday, October 22
WHERE: Saunders Court, UCSF, 513 Parnassus Avenue—follow signs from the lobby.
WHAT: Special event celebrating the “miracle babies” who were patients in the UCSF Children’s Hospital Intensive Care Nursery - one of the nation’s first ICNs.
WHO: The event will reunite parents and children with the nurses, doctors and staff who cared for them when the newborns’ lives were at stake.
Halloween theme party with children in costume, face-painting, bounce house, petting zoo, reunions everywhere.
BY ARRANGEMENT (call Janet Basu at 476-2557 or page 719-0189)
Interviews can be arranged with parents and children, doctors and nurses for stories about how babies’ lives were saved.
UCSF’s Intensive Care Nursery (ICN) was founded in 1964, as doctors and nurses discovered the methods that now save the lives of tens of thousands of newborn babies in intensive care nurseries around the world. In 2005, the ICN at UCSF is one of the region’s top neonatal referral centers, currently treating more than 1,000 high-risk newborns each year.
The ICN staff continues to set the standards for care of the most fragile premature infants. UCSF is the pioneer in fetal surgery and a national leader in newborn heart treatment and care for babies who receive major treatments in the first hours, weeks or months after birth.
UCSF is a leading university that consistently defines health care worldwide by conducting advanced biomedical research, educating graduate students in the life sciences, and providing complex patient care.