Campus Issues Reminder about No-Smoking Policy

UCSF's goal in implementing this policy is to protect all who work, study or visit the campus from a major health concern: second-hand smoke. The policy is intended to provide a smoke-free environment for faculty, staff, students, patients and visitors on University-owned or leased property, buildings, vehicles and moving equipment. The policy also states that all faculty, staff, students, patients and visitors must observe this smoke-free policy. Supervisors are responsible for enforcing the policy in their areas. Capital Projects & Facilities Management has been updating the signage to reflect the change in the no-smoking policy. The campus community should start seeing new signage, with all signs expected to be posted by end of November. Initially, UCSF will have designated smoking sites at most campus locations. However, all but two locations at Parnassus and Mount Zion will be eliminated in a year. View maps of the sites. As a means of assisting and encouraging smokers who may be interested in quitting the habit, smoking-cessation resources and programs are available and can be viewed here (doc). The revised Smoke-Free Policy is available here. More detailed information can be obtained by visiting UCSF: A Smoke-Free Workplace. Source: Lisa Cisneros Links: UCSF to Become Nearly Smoke Free by July 1