Michael Bishop
Chancellor Mike Bishop invited faculty, staff and students to participate in a new strategic planning process to begin at UCSF.
Here is his full email message to the campus community on Sept. 26:
"UCSF Strategic Planning"
Dear Colleagues:
If ever there was a time for strategic planning at UCSF it is certainly now. Unprecedented growth in the last fifteen years--including the expansion to Mount Zion, Laurel Heights, and Mission Bay--and steadily declining State support have severely taxed our resources. Recent acquisition of the second parcel of land at Mission Bay has necessitated long range planning, and legislation addressing earthquake safety has mandated extensive new facilities for our medical center over the next two decades. At the same time, dramatic advances in science, medicine and technology have created extraordinary opportunities for fulfilling our institution's mission.
Against the backdrop of this reality and promise we must thoughtfully chart the future course of our academic enterprise. I write now to apprise you of our plans to create a strategic plan for UCSF and to ask for your full support and engagement in the planning process.
In July, I appointed a UCSF Strategic Planning Board to direct and oversee what will be an academically driven strategic planning process. The Board includes broad representation from the campus. For membership,
go here.
Over the next academic year, I expect the board to engage representatives of the entire UCSF community in this planning process which will be facilitated by an external consultant. In addition, an External Advisory Committee will soon be appointed to help inform and support the planning process.
The overarching goal for the Board will be to develop a comprehensive, integrated strategic plan based on academic priorities. The values, principles, and framework delineated by the Board will serve to guide program development and provide a strategic context for campus decisions.
You will hear more about this critical campus endeavor in the weeks and months to come. I will greatly appreciate your thoughtful participation in the various forums that will be created to engage the UCSF community in the planning process.
J. Michael Bishop, M.D.