Campus to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

By Lisa Cisneros

MarĂ­a Ledesma

The campus community is invited to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month on Wednesday, Sept. 28, in Health Sciences West, room 300, from noon to 1:30 p.m.

The event, sponsored by the Latin American Campus Association, will feature presentations by keynote speakers UC Student Regent MarĂ­a Ledesma and Alicia Fernandez, associate professor of clinical medicine at UCSF. Both will address "Ten Years after 209: Challenges for Latino Higher Education and Latino Health."

Alicia Fernandez
Alicia Fernandez
The event is co-sponsored by the Office of Student Life at UCSF. For more information, contact Odilie Orantes at 415/476-8416, or Sandra Avila at 415/476-0457. Fernandez's research focuses on improving care of low-income patients with chronic disease, language and cultural barriers in health care, racial/ethnic health care disparities, and chronic disease care in patient with substance abuse or mental illness. Fernandez received her BA from Yale University and her MD at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She served her Primary Care Internal Medicine Internship and Residency and was chief resident in the Department of Medicine at UCSF. Ledesma is a graduate student pursuing her PhD in education at UCLA. She received her bachelor's degree in English from UC Berkeley in 1993 and her master's degree in education from Harvard University in 1999. Ledesma worked as an outreach coordinator for the Early Academic Outreach Program at UC Berkeley. Ledesma was appointed in July 2005 by the Regents to serve as the student Regent for a one-year term beginning July 1, 2006. During the period July 2005 through June 2006, she serves as a non-voting Regent-designate. Photo of Fernandez by Chris T. Anderson Source: Lisa Cisneros