Chancellor Mike Bishop on Tuesday presented the UCSF AIDS Walk Trophy for the first time to Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, dean of the UCSF School of Pharmacy.
The pharmacy school won the prize, a bronzed running shoe formerly worn by the chancellor and Nobel laureate, for having the most participants in the San Francisco AIDS Walk through Golden Gate Park on July 17.
The trophy will take a victory lap to laboratories and offices associated with the School of Pharmacy in the coming months before reaching its final destination in the dean's office.
Upon hearing about the school's success in the inaugural AIDS walk competition among UCSF schools, departments and medical center, Koda-Kimble was pleasantly surprised.
"The school is thrilled to win the bronzed trophy in the AIDS walk," she said at the time. "We have a passionate, active school family that consistently walks the walk.
"While the competition was great fun, it was not the end goal," she added. "Our purpose is to keep the public light on HIV and AIDS, and not let up until we outwit the virus. Everyone from UCSF who walked shares this goal -- our friends in the medical center, nursing, dentistry and medicine. The power of partnerships is what makes UCSF great, and that power was in full force at the AIDS walk."
The idea is that the trophy will be passed on each year to the team that brings the most walkers -- based on the percentage of total faculty, staff, students, residents and postdocs -- to the annual event to raise money for services for those with HIV/AIDS.
As the top fundraiser in the AIDS Walk, Jack Webster of Information Technology Services at UCSF won the new Apple iBook G4, donated by Campus Life Services.
This year, 290 walkers from UCSF raised $56,240, surpassing the 2004 total of $47,176, according to event organizer Orlando Elizondo of Community and Governmental Relations at UCSF.
Source: Lisa Cisneros